Equality and Diversity

Our policy for equality and diversity over-arches all our work. Staff, children, parents and visitors are expected to uphold our beliefs around equality and have a respect for the diversity we find in our community and in the wider world.


Equality means everyone having the same chances to do what they can. This may mean giving some people extra help.

The Equality Act 2010 provides a single, consolidated source of discrimination law, covering all the types of discrimination that are unlawful. It simplifies the law by removing anomalies and inconsistencies that had developed over time in the existing legislation, and it extends the protection from discrimination in certain areas.

Schools cannot unlawfully discriminate against pupils or any member of the school and wider community in relation to the ‘protected characteristics.

Everyone in Britain is protected by the act. The ‘protected characteristics’ under the act are (in alphabetical order):
gender reassignment
marriage and civil partnership
pregnancy and maternity
religion and belief
sexual orientation

At Harrow Gate we believe in treating everyone with respect and fairness. Children, parents and staff are all part of our school community and, as such, are valued for their differences and the contributions they make to school life. Our school behaviour, anti bullying policies and dignity at work policies extend across the community to ensure that everyone is protected.

At Harrow Gate we are committed to fostering good relations by:

(a) tackling prejudice.

(b) promoting understanding.

Our curriculum for personal and social education directly promotes the understanding of difference and our day to day practice demonstrates a high level of regard for tackling prejudice.

Equality Objectives

To promote the awareness between children, staff and parents of the protected characteristics as set out in the Equality Act:

Through an engaging PSHE/SMSC curriculum alongside our assemblies. 


To foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

All staff to promote healthy friendships and record incidents of prejudice related bullying. 


To robustly challenge inappropriate language and behaviour amongst any group within the school and community, taking any opportunity to educate. 

Build/continue to develop an environment where everybody feels safe and safe to challenge others where their behaviour falls short of what is expected within Harrow Gate and the wider community.