History intends to prepare each student for their next phase of education whilst at the same time giving all students a broad and balanced view of the History of Britain and other societies and epochs. In this, students will develop a well-rounded knowledge of the past and its events, with intention to improve every students’ cultural capital, understanding of the world around them and their own heritage. History at Harrow Gate aims to be ambitious, and motivating. Ambitious in our coverage of History and thorough teaching of Historical skills. Motivating, through engaging activities, trips and visitors that give all students an opportunity to question the past. 

At Harrow Gate Primary School, we have designed our History curriculum with the intent that our children will:

  • Become increasingly critical and analytical thinkers
  • Possess a secure understanding of the chronology of the British Isles and other import periods of History
  • Discover links and connections to the History they learn and the wider community and locality
  • Further their knowledge and explanations of change and continuity over time with regards to the history of the British Isles and other societies and epochs
  • Differentiate between source types and explain how interpretations in History may differ 
  • Draw on similarities and differences within given time frames and across previously taught History
  • Enquire in to Historical themed questions and form their own opinions and interpretation of the past

History Curriculum

Updated: 05/08/2020 437 KB